Monday, December 5, 2011

An Epiphany of Geekyness

So, today I realized what a sad, pathetic little geek I am.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I think very highly of myself and I'm not trying to be depressing or anything. It's just, I finally came to terms with the fact that some of the things I do can only be described as "pathetically geeky". Here's what I mean.

In my bio, about me thingy on the side of the blog, I mentioned that I watch anime. Because it's hard to obtain anime in DVD form, there are a bunch of sites that let you watch it for free. This is a very good thing unless you are a procrastinator who doesn't have a lot of self-control (pshhhh that's totally NOT me! What are you talking about?). However, many of the players have a time limit for how long you can watch their player for free. After you reach that limit you have to wait a certain amount of time until you can again watch videos. Therein lies the problem I was facing tonight.

I was taking a break from homework, and watching some anime. Of course, after a while, I ended up hitting the time limit. As I tried to reload a video, a message popped up that I had to wait 26 minutes until I could watch my beloved episodes for free. Now, what was I supposed to do? Should I work ahead on homework? Should I go read a book (though that isn't that much better in terms of geekyness)? NO! I decided to mess around with my laptop until it would let me watch again. So I went on youtube and listened to a song that I am obsessed with and looked at some e-mails. And then I checked how much time I had left. 15 minutes to go. Shoot. I played with Google. And then I checked how much time I had left. 12 minutes to go. I sat there and stared blankly at my screen. 10 minutes to go. I read my friend's blog and commented on it. 5 minutes to go! What was I going to do for five minutes? Fine, I'd do some homework that's due in a couple of days. I got up and got my folder. Quick check: 2 minutes to go. Sigh. It was torture! But finally, It let me watch the video again.

And what is going on while I type this post? My episode is loading. Like I said: pathetic.

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