Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Perils of Power Writing

So, yesterday we finished our second power writing session. I thought that I should share my thoughts.

First off, I don't actually mind the idea/practice of power writing. It will help us get ready for the AP test and it helps us notice things that should be revised (which is mostly due to the fact that Mrs. Cardona points it out). Additionally, the things we are told to write about are relevant to what we're talking about and interesting.

Why, then, did I title this The Perils of Power writing? Well, I'll tell you (duh)

So, it is a very well known fact that only three people can be in line at a time. Mrs. Cardona only told us this, like, fifty times. This, however, does not mean that you can lurk in the shadows just waiting to push other people in your mad dash for the line. It's kind of like this(click on it for a better view)

Okay, I'm exaggerating a little. But not by much. I hate it when people print something off and then walk over to the stapler and take for flipping ever to staple their essay and then  "Oh! There's an opening in the line? What a coincidence! Well, since I'm already here, I might as well just hop in line." Which ruins chances for others who have been waiting patiently in their seats. I also hate it when they start talking to people who are close to where the line is. Not only do they do it to just jump ahead of others, but they disturb the people who are trying to work. But the thing that is by far the worst is when they stand just to the side or around the corner. Just because there's a space between you and the next person doesn't mean that you aren't still standing in line. I mean, come on people! Do you really have to do that? Does one little stamp mean that much to you? (not that it isn't a very pretty stamp)

At one point yesterday (Friday), I noticed that one guy kept trying to get up to get in line. He was in the front row like me. However the lurkers - that's what I've decided to call them - kept pushing their way ahead of him. Eventually I told him, in a semi-joking manner, that I would sit in the middle of the aisle so that he could get up. He did manage to get in line after that without my help, but I think that I might have actually done it, because I was getting pretty mad at the lurkers.

So yeah. I like the power writing, but I don't like how selfish some of the people are. I don't think that we need to change power writing, but I think people need to be responsible and say to themselves "Yes, I have already gone up twice recently. I'll let someone else go right now."

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! (I stole the image for future assignment sheets so thanks.)
